The year of 2019 has been the most difficult year of my life, as of yet any way. The Lord has walked with me through many things this year. The death of my earthly hero, my dad. The man who loved me most on this earth. He taught me how to pray, taught me the word & loved me at my worst. In this life he was a beautiful example of Jesus to me, even in his flaws. I’ve told people that in 2019 there were only 6 good days ( I’m aware that’s false, but man) the first 5 were before my dad died on Jan. 6 & the other was the day my first grandchild was born May 21st. Yes, I suppose that may seem like an exaggeration but the lessons that have been taught to me are life changing. Days I felt as if I were drowning, days I went to bed praying I just wouldn’t wake up (truth) & days that were absolutely beautiful. I have decided that the best thing I could do would be to share some of my lessons, good and bad in hopes of giving someone else hope. Things are in the planning phase right now, this website, a podcast and other new ideas all just to show people you ARE NOT ALONE & Jesus is ENOUGH! My prayer is that you are touched and given hope, peace and the ability to share your story too.